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tocNikon Eclipse E600 MicroscopeImage AddedmaxLevel2outlinetrueindent10pxstylenone

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Cells courtesy of Benoit Bessette and Monique Vasseur (Biochemistry)

Images courtesy of Dr Shirley Campbell and Emilie Fiola-Masson (Pharmacology)



  • Turn on the computer
  • Turn on the microscope power bar
  • If fluorescence is required, turn on the mercury lamp power supply unit (3A) and press ignition (3B)


    Mercury lamp must be on for at least 30 min before being turned off and vice-versa

  • Log in Windows using your UdM credentials

  • Start-up NIS-Elements
  • Note: The first time you log in the computer, you need to import the microscope settings. To do this follow the instructions Setting-up NIS-Elements.


    1. Save your data
    2. Close NIS-Elements
    3. Transfer your data to the D: drive (Data Storage) or to your external drive and delete it from the local C: drive
    4. Get your samples from the microscope
    5. If used, clean the oil objective with lens cleaner and lens paper
    6. If fluorescence was used, turn off the mercury lamp power supply unit (3A)
    7. Turn off the microscope power bar (2)
    8. Wait until the lamps are cool and cover the microscope

    Important Reminders

    • Take back your samples including ones in the microscope
    • Leave the microscope and the working area clean
    • Mercury lamp must be on for at least 30 min before being turned off and vice-versa

    Storage Management

    • Files can be saved temporarily (during acquisition) on the local C: drive (desktop)
    • At the end of each session, copy your data to your external drive and delete it from the local C: drive
    • You can store your files on the D: drive (Data Storage). If you do, please create a folder per laboratory using the principal investigator last name. Within, create one folder per user (Firstname_Lastname).
    • In any case, your files should be removed from the C: drive.

    Setting-up NIS-Elements

    This is required the first time you are using the instrument. You will usually do it during the training session. It can be performed if something is not working properly right or if you want to refresh the software interface.


    This process will delete all experiment protocols and restore the parameters for the microscope

    1. Close NIS-Elements
    2. Wait until the complete closure of NIS-Elements
    3. Open the folder Desktop\Logiciels
    4. Open the software NIS Settings Utility
    5. Click on the Import tab
    6. Click on Browse
    7. Navigate to your desktop
    8. Select the file Nikon-E600 Settings.bin
    9. Click Select
    10. Select all items
    11. Click Import
    12. Click OK
    13. Close the NIS Settings
    Tabs Container
    idInstrument Tabs
    titleNikon Eclipse E600

    Tabs Page

    Located in Roger Gaudry N-620

    Nikon Eclipse E-600 Upright Microscope

    • Applications
      • Brightfield
      • Phase Contrast
      • Polarized light
      • Fluorescence
    • Light sources

      • Halogen lamp for transmitted light

      • Mercury lamp (350~600nm) for fluorescence 

    • Objectives:

      • 10x/0.3 Air Ph1 WD 16.0

      • 40x/0.75 Air Ph2 WD 0.72

      • 100x/1.3 Oil Ph3 WD 0.2

    • Filter cubes

      • DAPI

      • FITC

      • TRITC

      • TxRed

    • Detector

      • CMOS Nikon DS-Ri2 4908 x 3264 pixels,14-bit, 6fps at full frame

    Tabs Page


    1. Turn on the computer
    2. Turn on the microscope power bar
    3. If fluorescence is required, turn on the mercury lamp power supply unit (3A) and press ignition (3B)


      Mercury lamp must be on for at least 30 min before being turned off and vice-versa

    4. Log in Windows using your UdM credentials

    5. Start-up NIS-Elements

    Note: The first time you log in the computer, you need to import the microscope settings. To do this follow the instructions Setting-up NIS-Elements.


    1. Save your data
    2. Close NIS-Elements
    3. Transfer your data to the D: drive (Data Storage) or to your external drive and delete it from the local C: drive
    4. Get your samples from the microscope
    5. If used, clean the oil objective with lens cleaner and lens paper
    6. If fluorescence was used, turn off the mercury lamp power supply unit (3A)
    7. Turn off the microscope power bar (2)
    8. Wait until the lamps are cool and cover the microscope

    Important Reminders

    • Take back your samples including ones in the microscope
    • Leave the microscope and the working area clean
    • Mercury lamp must be on for at least 30 min before being turned off and vice-versa

    Storage Management

    • Files can be saved temporarily (during acquisition) on the local C: drive (desktop)
    • At the end of each session, copy your data to your external drive and delete it from the local C: drive
    • You can store your files on the D: drive (Data Storage). If you do, please create a folder per laboratory using the principal investigator last name. Within, create one folder per user (Firstname_Lastname).
    • In any case, your files should be removed from the C: drive.

    Setting-up NIS-Elements

    This is required the first time you are using the instrument. You will usually do it during the training session. It can be performed if something is not working properly right or if you want to refresh the software interface.


    This process will delete all experiment protocols and restore the parameters for the microscope

    1. Close NIS-Elements
    2. Wait until the complete closure of NIS-Elements
    3. Open the folder Desktop\Logiciels
    4. Open the software NIS Settings Utility
    5. Click on the Import tab
    6. Click on Browse
    7. Navigate to your desktop
    8. Select the file Nikon-E600 Settings.bin
    9. Click Select
    10. Select all items
    11. Click Import
    12. Click OK
    13. Close the NIS Settings

    Tabs Page


    Roger Gaudry N-620

    Upright Microscope

    • Applications
      • Brightfield
      • Phase Contrast
      • Polarized light
      • Fluorescence
    • Light sources

      • Halogen lamp for transmitted light

      • Mercury lamp (350~600nm) for fluorescence 

    • Objectives:

      • 10x/0.3 Air Ph1 WD 16.0

      • 40x/0.75 Air Ph2 WD 0.72

      • 100x/1.3 Oil Ph3 WD 0.2

    • Filter cubes

      • DAPI

      • FITC

      • TRITC

      • TxRed

    • Detector

      • CMOS Nikon DS-Ri2 4908 x 3264 pixels,14-bit, 6fps at full frame

    Nikon Eclipse E600 MicroscopeImage Removed

    Image Removed

    Cells courtesy of Benoit Bessette and Monique Vasseur (Biochemistry)

    Images courtesy of Dr Shirley Campbell and Emilie Fiola-Masson (Pharmacology)


    Follow the schematics below for Transmitted light (Bright field, Phase Contrast, Polarized light) and transmitted light (fluorescence)

    View file

    Tabs Page
