Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


MagnetDrift, Hz/h
500 MHz2.4
600 MHz0.2
700 MHz0.2

In order to lock onto a certain solvent, enter the command lock and choose the appropriate solvent. You could also include the solvent name in the command (eg lock h2o+d2o). Look for a change in the lock signal. Once the procedure is done, you should see lockn: done. Then adjust the power and gain in the BSMS panel (if it is not showing, you can open it with the bsmsdisp command) by clicking on the corresponding button in the AUTO section (Lock/Level tab). You may also want to make sure that the phase is optimized.

Alternatively, the AU program loopadj can be used to optimize the lock feedback loop. From the description of the lock process:

The AU program loopadj, automatically optimizes the lock phase, lock gain, loop gain, loop filter and loop time. Note that loopadj optimizes these parameters for best long-term stability, but not for best lineshape, resolution or homogeneity (for more information type edau loopadj and look at the header of the AU program).

Tune and match


Data acquisition
