Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


The AU program loopadj, automatically optimizes the lock phase, lock gain, loop gain, loop filter and loop time. Note that loopadj optimizes these parameters for best long-term stability, but not for best lineshape, resolution or homogeneity (for more information type edau loopadj and look at the header of the AU program).

Tune and match

Tuning of the probe to the observed nucleus frequency is done to adjust the resonance circuit of the probehead so that it is the same as the frequency of the transmitted pulse, whereas matching is a process to adjust the “efficiency” (impedance) of the resonance circuit. This is very important to do and will be affected by the composition of the buffer in which your sample is in.

First, make sure that the "virtual" routing is set properly by looking at the connections via the edasp command. If you will be running carbon and nitrogen experiments, you'll have to make sure they are enabled. This is how the edasp window looks like on our 700 MHz system (connections corresponding to the routing for our TXI probe).

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Click on Save and Close when you're satisfied with the channel routing for your experiments. Then, to initiate the automatic tuning and matching procedure, use the command atma. Later, manual adjustments can be made using the manual tuning and matching procedure via atmm.

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You want to make sure that all the wobble curves peak at the desired frequency.

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Source: ??


Data acquisition

