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{color:#000080}{*}Local{*}{color} {color:#800000}{*}1176{*}{color}

{color:#000080}{*}Usagers :*{color}

{color:#800000}Saman Choubak ({color}


{color:#800000}Pierre Lévesque ({color}

h3. Description

h3. Procédures
h4. {color:#800000}XPS Argon Sputtering Gun - Procedure{color}

*Procedure to sputter the surface of the sample in the XPS-LEEM chamber with the Argon Sputtering Gun:*

*1) Make sure the X-ray source is fully retracted.*

*2) Put the sample in place and check all the pressures.*

*3) Close the ion pump gate valve.*

*4) Close completly the turbo pump gate valve, then open it (hear the click) and do a turn (the value should be 1/6 open).*

*5) Check the pressure of the Ar and make sure the Ar switch is on.*

*6) Bridge the interlock on the Rack.*

*7) Slowly open the Ar valve (Monitor the chamber pressure while opening the valve).*

*8) Stop opening the Ar valve once the chamber pressure reaches 6x10-6 or 1x10-5 mbar.*

*9) Switch on the IQE11-A source and switch Operate, slowly increase the energy monitoring the chamber pressure. Leave it @ 1.01 keV.*

*10) Allow 30 min sputtering.*

*11) On the IQE-11-A, turn the energy knob to zero and go to stand by.*

*12) Close the Ar valve.*

*13) Open the turbo pump gate valve.*

*14) Once the chamber pressure reaches low  10-8 mbar, open the ion pump valve.*