Comparaison des versions


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  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.

Background Color



  • Évaporateur à cloche

Équipement de caractérisation électrique

Image Added

Stanford Research Systems SR830 100 kHz DSP lock-in amplifier

Users manual

Image Added

Stanford Research Systems SR570 Low-Noise Current Preamplifier
Users manual

Image Added

Stanford Research Systems SR844 RF Lock-In Amplifier

Users manual

Image Added

Yokogawa programmable DC Source 7651

Instruction Manual

Keithley 8006 Component Test fixture
Instruction manual

Image Added

Keithley Current-Voltage measure unit serie 2400
Users manual
Service manual
Quick result guide

Image Added

Keithley CV Analyzer 590
Instruction manual part1
Instruction manual part2
Quick reference guide

Image Added

Keithley Semiconductor Characterization System 4200
Startup guide
Quick Start Guide

DL instruments Programmable Voltage Preamplifier 1201

DL instruments Current Preamplifier 1211

Image Added

Agilent Digital Multimeter 34401A
User guide
Service guide

Image Added

Agilent Data Acquisition/Switch Unit 34970A
User guide
Service guide

Image Added

Agilent Semiconductor Device Analyzer B1500
User guide
Programming guide
Accessories Guide
Self-paced Training Manual 1
Self-paced Training Manual 2
Self-paced Training Manual 3
Self-paced Training Manual 4
Self-paced Training Manual 5

Image Added

Agilent E4440A PSA Spectrum Analyzer, 3 Hz - 26.5 GHz
Getting Started Guide
Users and Programmers Reference vol 1
Users and Programmers Reference vol 2

Image Added

Agilent 33250A Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator, 80 MHz
Users guide

Image Added

Agilent E8257D PSG Analog Signal Generator, up to 67 GHz
Users guide
Programming guide

Image Added

Agilent N5230A PNA-L Network Analyzer

Image Added

Agilent 82357A USB/GPIB Interface Converter
User guide

Image Added

Bell 9900 multi-channel gaussmeter
Operation and maintenance manual

Laboratoires d'optique


Laboratoire de chimie

  • Centrifugeuse



    • Manual
  • AFM
  • Microscope Olympus

Power Supplies

Équipements de Vide

  • Pompes Turbomoléculaire
  • Pompes primaires
  • Systèmes de pompages

Contrôleurs de température

Page d'acceuil