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titleInCell Analyzer

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INCell Analyzer 6000 High content microscope

JA Bombardier Building, Room 3129
Advanced Microscope Tier 2 usage price

Instrument awarded to Dr. Steve Michnick by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI)Advanced Microscope Tier 2 usage price

  • Applications
    • Transmitted light, Bright-field
    • Pseudo phase contrast and DIC
    • Fluorescence
    • High-throughput imagingLong-term imaging
  • Light sources

    • LED for transmitted light

    • Toptica iChrome MLE for fluorescence

      titleToptica iChrome complete specifications
      SourcePolychroicExcitation wavelength (nm)Compatible fluorophoresNominal Power
      405nm390/40[370-410]DAPI, Hoechst50


      [473-491]FITC, GFP, YFP





      Cy3, DsRed, TxRed


      Cy5, Cy5.5


  • Objectives

    1. 10x/0.45 Air WD 4.0
    2. 20x/0.75 Air WD 1.0
    3. 40x/0.6 Air WD 2.7-3.7
    4. 60x/0.95 Air WD 0.15

      titleObjective specifications

      PositionNameBrandFull nameIdentifier
    1. Working distance (mm)Transmittance
      (% [nm])
    1. Techniques
    1. Cover glass thickness (mm)
      110x/0.45 AirNikon

      10x/0.45 Air
      Plan Apo

      MRD001014.0>80% [TBD-TBD]BF, p-PhC, p-DIC, Fluo0.17

      20x/0.75 Air

      Nikon20x/0.75 Air
      Plan Apo
      DIC N2
      MRD002011.0>80% [TBD-TBD]BF, p-PhC, p-DIC, Fluo0.17

      40x/0.6 Air

      Nikon40x/0.6 Air
      Plan Fluor ELWD
      MRH084302.7-3.7>80% [TBD-TBD]BF, p-PhC, p-DIC, Fluo0.17
      460x/0.95 Air Nikon60x/0.95 Air 
      Plan Apo
      MRD006000.15>80% [TBD-TBD]BF, p-PhC, p-DIC, Fluo0.17

      BF: Bright-field
      p-PhC: Pseudo-phase contrast
      DIC: Pseudo-Differetial interference contrast

  • FiltersCubes de filtres
    1. DAPI

    2. GFP

    3. Cy3

    4. Cy5

    5. Cy5.5

      titleFilter specifications

    1. Name
    1. Brand
    1. Identifier

Miroir polychroïque

    1. Polychroic (Transmission)

Filtre d'émission
Emission filterEfective bandwith (nm)

BP 446/32; 524/42; 600/36; 732/137



BP 446/32; 524/42; 600/36; 732/137605/52




BP 446/32; 524/42; 600/36; 732/137707/72


TBDTBDBP 446/32; 524/42; 600/36; 732/137720/60

  • Detector
    • sCMOS Monochrome 2560 x 2160 pixels, 16-bit, pixel 6.5um x 6.5um, sensor 16.6mm x 14.0mm

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idUser Guide
titleUser Guide
UI Expand
  1. Turn on the microscope (#1) – (if needed) 


    The switch is not easily accessible and is located on the back of the right side of the device.

  2. Turn on the computer (#2)
  3. Use your UdeM credentials to log in to Windows
  4. Start the software IN Cell Analyzer 6000

UI Expand
titleSet up

Within the software IN Cell Analyzer:

  1. Click Eject to open the access door
  2. Insert your sample in the space provided for this purpose, respecting the orientation indicated
  3. Click Load to close the access doors

    titleFirst use

    During the training you will follow the First use protocol


    For use with the 60x objective it is absolutely necessary to use a multi-well plate with a glass bottom. The glass thickness should be 0.17mm. We recommend the following plates:

    • Link in New Window
      linkTextGreiner SensoPlate plus 96-well plate #655891
    • Link in New Window
      linkTextNunc Optical CVG 96-well 164588

UI Expand
titleFirst use

When using the microscope for the first time, it is necessary to define the type of plate used. You will usually do this during the training session .This procedure can also be performed if you are using a different multi-well plate.

UI Expand
titleCreate a new plate

In the INCell Analyzer software:

  1. Select from the menu Application>Plate\Slide Manager...
  2. Click on the New Plate\Slide icon
  3. Select the number of wells in your plate (6, 24, 96 etc...)
  4. Adjust the following settings:
    1. Name: Your-Name_Your-Plate
    2. Plate height, bottom thickness and well volume usually provided in the product technical sheet by the manufacturer
    3. The material used plastic or glass
    4. If necessary adjust the number of rows and columns as well as the shape of the well (round or rectangular)
  5. Click OK
  6. Close the Plate/Slide Manager window

UI Expand
titleMeasure A1 well offset

In the INCell Analyzer software:

  1. if necessary, click on the Dashboard > Objective Lens select the 10x objective
  2. In the channel list, click the + button and add a transmitted light channel (brightfield)
  3. To the right of the plate layout, click the Setup Preview Imaging button
  4. Draw a rectangle around well A1
  5. Click on preview (on the acquisition panel at the top right of the screen)
  6. Wait for the preview to be generated
  7. On the plate map, click on the real center of well A1 to center this well on the objective
  8. In the Dashboard menu select Plate/Slide

  9. Click Edit Plate then Define Upper Left Well

  10. Click Yes

  11. Check that the yellow circle matches the edges of the well
  12. Click Yes

UI Expand
titleCompute the inter-well distance

In the INCell Analyzer software:

  1. if necessary, click on the Dashboard > Objective Lens select the 10x objective
  2. In the channel list, click the + button and add a transmitted light channel (brightfield)
  3. To the right of the plate layout, click the Setup Preview Imaging button
  4. Draw a rectangle around the bottom right well
  5. Click on preview (on the acquisition panel at the top right of the screen)
  6. Wait for the preview to be generated
  7. On the plate map, click on the real center of well A1 to center this well on the objective
  8. In the Dashboard menu select Plate/Slide

  9. Click Edit Plate then Define bottom right Well

  10. Click Yes

  11. The inter-well distance will then be automatically calculated
  12. Check that the yellow circles matches the edges of the wells
  13. Click Yes

UI Expand
titleMeasure the bottom height and thickness of the plate bottom

In the INCell Analyzer software:

  1. Click on the Dashboard
  2. In Objective Lens select the 10x objective
  3. On the plate plan, click on the center of a well containing a sample to center this well on the objective
  4. In the Dashboard menu select Plate/Slide
  5. Click Verify LAF
  6. If the 2 detected peaks (blue vertical lines) correspond to the measured peaks (black curve)
    1. Click Apply Measured Parameters
    2. Click OK
    3. Click Yes
  7. If the 2 detected peaks (blue vertical lines) do not correspond to the measured peaks (black curve)
    1. Change the bottom thickness value and repeat the operation
  8. Close the Laser Autofocus Plate/Slide Verification window

UI Expand
titleStorage management
  • Files can be saved temporarily (during acquisition) to local C: drive (desktop)
  • At the end of each session, copy your data to your external drive and delete it from local C: drive
  • You can store your files on the D: drive (Data Storage). If you do, please create one folder per laboratory using the principal investigator's last name. Inside, create a folder per user using the following nomenclature (First Name_Last Name).

In any case, do not store your files on the C: drive.

UI Expand
  1. Collect your samples
  2. Click Load to close the access door
  3. Close the INCell Analyzer software
  4. Transfer your data to disk D: (Data Storage) or to your external hard drive and delete it from local disk C:
  5. Turn off the computer
titleImportant Reminders
  • Collect your samples, especially those in the microscope
  • Leave the microscope and workspace clean
Tabs Page
idLight path
titleLight path

The following diagrams allow you to follow the light path in transmitted light (bright field) and in reflected light (fluorescence). These diagrams will be available soon.

View file

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Available manuals

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titleTo do

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Because of an issue with the liquid handling motor, the liquid handling arm as been replaced by a standard fixed arm for the transmitted light LED. Therefore liquid handling is no longer available.

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Y motor not resting when reaching the transmitted light position: This time the issue is slightly different: Y motor is homing properly during the initialization procedure but instead of resting it keeps pushing toward the home position and after a brief instant the instrument stops and the red light shows up. If the liquid handler Y motor is disabled the initialization proceed properly and the system is usable at the exception of the brightfield of course

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  • Added to wiki

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idTechnical Datasheet
titleTechnical Datasheet

Instrument Serial W24318-1493815 BK02029

Service Password apiAWL

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titleTroubleshooting & FAQ


UI Expand
titleThe microscope does not show the usual green light, what should I do?

Usually, this microscope displays a green light when operational and an orange light when in use. A red light is on means the microscope is not functional. In this case please contact the platform manager.


look at cell in a dish
UI Expand
titleFAQCan I use this microscope to
observe cells in culture?
NoYes.This a microscope designed to acquire images of specimen is designed for high-throughput acquisition of specimens in multi-well platesYou may also image . The microscope can control temperature but does not have an environmental chamber.You can also acquire images of specimen mounted between a slide and a 0.17mm thick coverslipcoverslip (thickness 0.17mm).
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titleHow to turn off the microscope?

Usually the microscope remains on. However, it is best to turn it off if not in use for a long time (weeks). To do this:

  1. Navigate to the menu Application > Hardware >
  2. Click Shutdown Instrument
  3. Wait for the microscope to turn off
  4. The software closes automatically

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idDemo Image
titleInCell Analyzer

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idDemo Image
titleDemo Image

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