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Access is restricted to persons who satisfy all of the following criteria :

  • are registered users
  • have received a training provided by the microscopy platform manager
  • have successfully passed practical evaluation test
  • have booked an online reservation

We use FACES Scheduling System to manage instruments reservation. This system is kindly provided by the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center at University of Georgia.



After registration: Change your password

  • You will receive a temporary password to the email you have provided
  • Upon reception, login in to FACES and change your password
    • Click on : FACES Reservation Microscopie UdeM

      Tip of the day

      You can (should) bookmark this page on your favorite web browse

    • Enter the information below
      • Group: Microscopie_UdeM
      • Username: Firstname.Lastname
      • Password: the one your received by email
    • Once logged in, click password at the top of the screen
    • Type in your new password
    • Retype it
    • Click Go


To consult an instrument schedule

  • Click on : FACES Reservation Microscopie UdeM (I told you to bookmark it!)

  • Enter the information below
    • Group: Microscopie_UdeM
    • Username: Firstname.Lastname
    • Password: YourPassword
  • Once logged in, Click Choose a Schedule at the top of the screen
  • Select the desired instrument
  • You can see the instrument schedule

To book a reservation

  • Click on schedule on the day and desired start time
  • Click on the schedule on the day and desired end time
  • Select Option: Acquisition
  • You can also type in comments if desired. This comment will be visible by all FACES users
  • Click OK
  • Click OK

You can only see an instrument schedule if you have received a training and passed a test.

You can delete a reservation only more than 1 hour before the reservation starting time.

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