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All-in-one softwares (acquisition, processing, analysis)

Zeiss Zen ZEISS ZEN Microscope Software for Microscope Components

NIS-Elements Manufactured by Laboratory Imaging for Nikon


Olympus CellSens

Acquisition softwares

Visualization, Processing and Analysis softwares

ImageJ ImageJ (nih.gov)

FIJI ImageJ Wiki

Imaris Oxford Instruments Microscopy Image Analysis Software - Imaris - Oxford Instruments (oxinst.com)

ImagePro Image-Pro (mediacy.com)

AutoQuant Best Image Deconvolution and Restoration Software - Autoquant X3 (mediacy.com)

Amira Amira for Life & Biomedical Sciences | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CA

ICY Home - Icy – Open Source Image Processing Software (bioimageanalysis.org)

Metamorph MetaMorph® Software Suite Knowledge Base (moleculardevices.com)

Volocity Volocity Software (volocity4d.com)

Huygens HomePage | Scientific Volume Imaging (svi.nl)

Ilastik https://www.ilastik.org/ Pixel Classification

Cell Profiler https://cellprofiler.org/ Image Analysis and Quantification

Qupath QuPath on Github

Napari Napari

VisioPharm VisioPharm


Bulk rename Utility Bulk Rename Utility - Free File Renaming Software

VLC Official download of VLC media player, the best Open Source player - VideoLAN


The Comprehensive R Archive Network (r-project.org)

R Studio RStudio - RStudio

Atom Atom

GitHub GitHub: Where the world builds software · GitHub

Teams Download Microsoft Teams Desktop and Mobile Apps | Microsoft Teams

Zoom https://zoom.us/support/download

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