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All-in-one softwares (acquisition, processing, analysis)

Zeiss Zen ZEISS ZEN Microscope Software for Microscope Components

NIS-Elements Manufactured by Laboratory Imaging for Nikon
Comes in 2 flavours: Basic Research, Advanced Research plus some options Confocal, High-Content and Artificial intelligence (Ai) add-ons. 
NIS-Elements Package comparison


Olympus CellSens

Acquisition softwares

Visualization, Processing and Analysis softwares

ImageJ (NIH)

FIJI (Fiji Is Just ImageJ)

Spot Imaging
Used to control Spot cameras with some analysis capabilities. Software ranges from 500$ to 1000$

Imaris Oxford Instruments
Dedicated to multidimensional visualisation and analysis. Requires a License.

Image-Pro (MediaCybernetics)
To be tested.
Seems to be also sold by Asia Imaging

AutoQuant (MediacCybernetics)
Used for deconvolution. Fast, Simple and Accurate. Requires a license.
Seems to be also sold by Asia Imaging

Amira (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
To be tested

ICY Home - Icy – Open Source Image Processing Software (bioimageanalysis.org)

Metamorph MetaMorph® Software Suite Knowledge Base (moleculardevices.com)

Volocity Volocity Software (volocity4d.com)

Huygens HomePage | Scientific Volume Imaging (svi.nl)

Ilastik https://www.ilastik.org/ Pixel Classification

Cell Profiler https://cellprofiler.org/ Image Analysis and Quantification

Qupath QuPath on Github

Napari Napari

VisioPharm VisioPharm

MicroVolution: Very fast deconvolution


Bulk rename Utility Bulk Rename Utility - Free File Renaming Software

VLC Official download of VLC media player, the best Open Source player - VideoLAN


The Comprehensive R Archive Network (r-project.org)

R Studio RStudio - RStudio

Atom Atom

GitHub GitHub: Where the world builds software · GitHub

Teams Download Microsoft Teams Desktop and Mobile Apps | Microsoft Teams

Zoom https://zoom.us/support/download

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