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Welcome to the Cyto-MIIM flow cytometry platform of the Department of Microbiology, Infectiology and Immunology at the University of Montreal.

Cyto-MIIM meets the needs of the scientific community for the multiparametric characterization of cell populations by providing high throughput cell analysis and sterile cell sorting services.

By using the platform, researchers in academia, hospitals and industry have access to state-of-the-art flow cytometers and benefit from the support of dedicated and qualified staff.

Our FacsAria III SORP sorter / analyzer, with special configuration, has size detection sensitivity performance up to 100nm. We also offer comprehensive training and in-depth expertise services to guide you in the use of this technology and meet the requirements and needs of your research projects.

More information on the Cytometry Platform webiste (french).

Core Facilities CIB               Structural Biology    |    Cytometry    |    Microscopy    |    Histology

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