Leica DM2000 Upright Microscope

P-G Desmarais Building, Room 3248
Available upon request to Dr Samaha Lab

  • Applications
    • Bright-field

    • Fluorescence
    • Color camera
  • Light sources

    • Halogen lamp 30 W for transmitted light

    • Mercury lamp 100 W (350~600 nm) for fluorescence

  • Objectives

    1. 10x/0.3 Air WD 11

    2. 20x/0.5 Air WD 1.15

    3. 40x/0.75 Air WD 0.37

PositionNameBrandFull nameIDMagnificationNumerical apertureImmersionTypeWorking distance (mm)Transmittance
(% [nm])
TechniqueCoverglass thickness (mm)
110x/0.3 AirLeica10x/0.3 Air HC Plan Fluotar 500650510x0.3AirPlan Fluor11

>80% [385-775]
Max 95% @550nm
Transmittance curve

BF, Fluo0.17

20x/0.5 Air

Leica20x/0.5 Air HC Plan Fluotar 50650320x



Plan Fluor1.15

>80% [395-800]
Max 90% @530nm
Transmittance curve

BF, Fluo0.17



40x/0.75 Air HC Plan Fluotar





Plan Fluor0.37

>80% [420-850]
Max 89% @550nm
Transmittance curve

BF, Fluo0.17



  • Filter cubes
    1. I3 (GFP, YFP)
    2. N2.1 (TRITC)
PositionNameBrandIDExcitation  filterDichroic mirrorEmission filterComments
Emission filter is very broad.
Be aware of bleed-through.



Emission filter is very broad.
Be aware of bleed-through.



  • Detector
    • Color camera Leica DFC425C 2592 × 1944 pixels, 14-bit in monochrome mode , 36-bit in color mode, 6 images/s at full resolution
  1. Turn on the computer (#1)
  2. If fluorescence is required, turn on the mercury lamp power supply unit (#2)

    Mercury lamp must be on for at least 30 min before being turned off and vice-versa

  3. If transmitted light is required, turn on the halogen lamp on the right side of the microscope (#3)
  4. Log in Windows using your UdM credentials
  5. Start-up LAS 

The first time you use LAS, you will be asked for registration and activation

  1. Select Do not tell me about this again at the bottom left
  2. Click Close
  1. Save your data
  2. Close LAS
  3. Transfer your data to the D: drive (Data Storage) or to your external drive and delete it from the local C: drive
  4. Turn off the computer
  5. If fluorescence was used, turn off the mercury lamp power supply unit (#2)

    Mercury lamp must be on for at least 30 min before being turned off and vice-versa

  6. If transmitted light was used, turn off the halogen lamp on the right side of the microscope (#3)

  7. Wait until the lamps have cooled and cover the microscope

Important Reminders

  • Take back your samples including ones in the microscope
  • Leave the microscope and the working area clean
  • Files can be saved temporarily (during acquisition) on the local C: drive (desktop)
  • At the end of each session, copy your data to your external drive and delete it from the local C: drive
  • You can store your files on the D: drive (Data Storage). If you do, please create a folder per laboratory using the principal investigator last name. Within, create one folder per user (Firstname_Lastname).

In any case, your files should be removed from the C: drive.

The first time you use LAS, you will be asked for registration and activation

  1. Select Do not tell me about this again at the bottom left
  2. Click Close

The following schematics depict the light path for transmitted (bright-field) and reflected (fluorescence) lights

  • None
  • Test slides made and brought to the microscope

  • Added to Wiki
  • Computer replacement
  • Windows 10 installation
  • Network connection
  • Mercury lamp alignment


  • Leica DM2000 upright microscope Serial 3312222-022011
  • Leica Trinocular 11551511 BZ00
  • Camera Adapter Leica 11541544

Light sources

  • Transmitted Halogen 12 V 30 W P/N 11038101180000
  • Reflected light
    • Power supply Ebq 100-04-L Serial 11 1111 0103B00931

    • Leica Mercury lamp housing Product ID 11504114


  • Leica 11501183 BZ:02
  • Condenser filters

    • DF Filters 501158 (looks like phase ring)


  1. Nikon Plan Fluor 4x/0.13 MRH000041 (should not be used)
  2. Leica HCX PL Fluotar 10x/0.3 506505

  3. Leica HCX PL Fluotar 20x/0.5 506503

  4. Leica HCX PL Fluotar 40x/0.75 506144

  5. Empty
  6. Empty


  • Manual Stage #11888186


  1. Leica I3
  2. Leica N2.1
  3. Empty
  4. Empty
  5. Empty

Cube Leica 11513882


  • Leica DFC425C Serial 535111411 Color Camera 2592 × 1944 pixels, 14-bit monochrome, 36-bit color mode, 6 image/s at full resolution


  • Asus P6X58D-E Workstation
  • Intel Intel Core i7-950 @ 3.0 GHz
  • RAM 6 GB DDR3 1333 MHz (3 x 2 GB)
  • OS 500 GB SSD 382 MB/s
  • 1 TB HD Data Storage (4 x 250 GB spanned volume) 85 MB/s
  • Video Card AMD Radeon HD 5670 1 GB DDR5 dedicated memory
  • Monitor Viewsonic VX922 19' 1280 x 1024
  • Software LAS


  •  None



This can happen when something is not setup properly along the light path. The light path schematics can guide to identify the issue.

  1. Ensure the mercury lamp power supply (#2) is turned ON
  2. Ensure the mercury lamp located at the back of the microscope is shining. It should generate some heat. Beware of burn risks
  3. Ensure the neutral density filters (N16, N4, N2) located at the back on the right side of the microscope are out (low position)
  4. Ensure the manual shutter located at the back on the right side of the microscope is open (low position)
  5. Ensure the aperture (A) and field (F) diaphragms located at the back on the right side of the microscope are opened (high position)
  6. Ensure the filter cube is on a non-empty position (1: I3 ou 2: N2.1)


No. This is an upright microscope designed to observe specimen mounted between a slide and a 0.17 mm thick coverslip.

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